You have been thinking about how to present your products and services in a sustainable and most effective way? You want to organize a roadshow without wasting a lot of time to ensure the power supply on site? And are you looking for a system that is easy to set up and take down again, making it much easier to change locations?
Then the mobile, solar-powered CUBOX Info-Point is just what you need. The striking, eye-catching shape of the cube allows a large number of photovoltaic modules to be installed on the roof and side flaps. Thus, the CUBOX Info-Point generates more than enough green energy that you can use for lighting, running computers, monitors or refrigerators. Place the CUBOX at the designated location, open the flaps and the production green electric power starts right away. The energy thus generated is stored in powerful batteries and is then available in the evening or when there is little sunshine.
When open, the flaps provide excellent protection from intense sunlight or rain. In the evening, simply close them, thus effectively protecting the interior and valuables from the weather or theft.
You can use the CUBOX as an Info-Point practically anywhere because you are now no longer dependent on local infrastructure, such as necessary power connections. This is an enormous advantage, especially when organising roadshows. Frequent changes of location are child's play, because setting up and dismantling the CUBOX Info-Point takes no more than half an hour.
Transporting the CUBOX from one place to another
takes place either by means of truck or own trailer.
Break new ground in presenting your services and ensure maximum attention at the same time. The outstanding design and sustainable orientation of the CUBOX make it easy for you to do just that. Contact us today for more information.